The Transaction Manager provides two main functionalities – as a self-service device processor and as a front-end switch to multiple core back-end systems.
As a self-service device processor, the Transaction Manager provides all the financial transaction functionality required to drive the self-service device securely.
As a front-end switch, the Transaction Manager provides the secure routing mechanisms for transactions to various back-end systems such as credit card hosts of acquiring banks for transaction approvals or core bill payment hosts for account verification and updates.
The Transaction Manager shields the complexity of transaction management from the self-service terminals and provides a standard interface to any core back-end system.
Features and Benefits
- Secure transaction channel
- The Transaction Manager provides a secure transaction channel for all self-service transactions. All self-service terminals are authenticated and messages are encrypted with advance encryption algorithms.
- Multi-channel and multi-host support
- Supports multiple front-end devices.
- Supports multiple back end systems.
- Flexibility and configurability
- Provides a rich set of transactions.
- Eliminates the complexity of customization needs.